Social Circus Hub



In the body program we focus on physical training. Every week we meet with over 80 children and train circus, clowning and dance. Through this training children learn the value of healthy living and the importance of taking care of their bodies. Thus they are less inclined to turn to drug and alcohol.

Young people that excel in training can graduate and become part of our circus company, where they can earn a basic income as performers and workshop leaders.

Curious? Check the gallery for some pictures and videos of our training


Circus Zambia believes education is the gateway to brighter futures and allows children to develop into engaged and critical thinkers. Our circus training attracts kids at risk who can then receive tutoring, scholarships and can participate in educational circus camps. At the Circus Zambia Creative Hub they can borrow books from the library or access the world in the media lab..

Check out some of the kids that are in the receive school support


Many young people from vulnerable backgrounds lack a support system that can teach them basic life skills. Therefore Circus Zambia uses circus and clowning to teach about HIV/AIDS, sanitation, drugs/alcohol abuse and much more. Through practicing circus youth also learn social skills, such as communication, trust and disciplines. After learning important information young Circus Zambia members become peer educators and teach their community trough performances and workshops.
Curious what that would look like? Check our project Clowns for Condoms on the website of our partner MTV Staying Alive.
